The Journey Begins

Hi!! I’m Kate and I invite you to embark on a journey with my husband and I.

We both have struggled with our mental health since childhood. We have had successes and failures along this road called life. We have decided to share our experiences with you, past and present, so we can all journey into the future together.

A big part of improving mental health is knowing you are not alone.

You are not alone.

Let me say it again.

You are not alone.

My Issues in a Nutshell

Currently, I am in remission from anorexia/ bulimia. I think I was once diagnosed with OCD as well. I currently battle anxiety and depression. I think at one point the professionals thought I had bipolar because my eating disorder was so persistent, but I do not.

There are parts of my life that are a complete blur. I have been on so many different medications. I have been hospitalized in both medical and psychiatric facilities. I have seen many therapists and psychiatrists. I am currently seeing a wonderful therapist, am on medication, and go to 12 step meetings for my eating disorder.

To say I have improved is an understatement. I have come a long way. Once you get to know me you will see that. I used to be completely unable to function in the world. Now I live a full active life. That in and of itself is huge. I have met many of the goals I have set for myself including getting my associates degree and then my bachelors degree. I have a supportive husband and a wonderful son and even recently got an adorable, although incredibly mischievous puppy. I have built a career for myself. I have built up a tool box of spiritual, mental, emotional, and intellectual tools that see me through everyday.

Still, the anxiety and depression surge and recede. As I write this they are surging, especially the depression. I often lack motivation. True enjoyment of the beautiful things around me seem just out of reach. I am cranky. Nothing I do is good enough for me.

I also have a lot of growing that I want to do. There are still goals I want to achieve and dreams that I want to come true. Perhaps this little blog will help.

Come Along

If anything at all I have said has resonated with you, please stick around.

I want to post lots of content about my personal experiences, topics in psychology, and sociology, and spirituality.

I hope a little community will spring up and we can support each other.

As a society we are both more connected than ever before and more isolated. Social media is a blessing and a curse. This blasted pandemic certainly hasn’t helped. But if I can help even one person feel less alone with my words, then I have achieved my goal.

Mental health resources:

Lifeline (

National Eating Disorders Association

About ADAA | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA

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